Jumat, 20 November 2009

Teknologi Pendidikan

"Mengukir kata, merangkai kalimat, menuliskan asa semangat serta mewujudkan harapan"

~Arip Nurahman~

Teaching and Learning Laboratory

From: MIT

About TLL

The MIT Teaching and Learning Laboratory, which began in 1997, collaborates with faculty, administrators, and students to strengthen ongoing educational efforts at MIT and develop innovations in pedagogy and technology. As part of the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education, TLL offers its own programs and works in partnership with MIT schools and departments on their educational initiatives.

TLL has three interrelated functions:

  • Collaboration to strengthen instruction at MIT—both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Support for the development and assessment of innovative pedagogies, educational technologies, and curricula.
  • Research in learning process, particularly in science and engineering.

The three functions support one another and allow TLL to provide a full range of services to the MIT community. The diagram below provides some examples of our work in these three areas.

Instructional Support

  • Workshops in teaching and learning
  • Individual consultations
  • Classroom Videotaping Program
  • Support for educational innovation


  • Cognitive behavior
  • Interdisciplinary education project
  • Small group pedagogy


  • Innovations in pedagogy
  • Educational technology
  • Learning spaces


Spotlight | Site Map | Contact the Staff

About TLL

Staff | TLL Associates | Ivy Plus Centers for Teaching and Learning

Program and Services

Consulting Services:
Request a consultation

Class Videotaping Program
Better Teaching @ MIT

Department-Based Workshops

Facilitating Effective Research (FER) Program

Microteaching | What Happens in a Microteaching Workshop? | What to Observe During Microteaching | Giving and Receiving Feedback
New Faculty Orientation | Orientation for New TAs
Courses in Teaching and Learning

Assessment and Evaluation

A&E Process | Types of A&E | A&E Community | Glossary

Teaching Materials

Learning Objectives | Learning Taxonomies | Example: 8.02 | Example: 15.279 |Example: 16.01-16.04

Course Evaluations

Grading Rubrics

Strategic Teaching and Strategic Teaching Analysis

Developing a Teaching Philosophy Statement

Teaching Teamwork

Contracts in the Classroom

Teaching Recitations

"The Torch or The Firehose" booklet

Recommendations for Teaching During a Health Crisis (Flu Outbreak)


MIT-related Assessment and Evaluation Studies

Articles, Conference Papers, and Working Papers

Education Innovation

TLL Library

Books, handbooks, and reports

Journals and Yearbooks

Teach Talk columns from the MIT Faculty Newsletter


Ditulis Ulang Oleh:

Arip Nurahman

Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge. USA.

Terima Kasih, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Tetap Semangat

Rabu, 18 November 2009

KMKB; Keluarga Mahasiswa Kota Banjar di Bandung

"Meraih Impian dan Harapan Bersama Cendrung Akan Lebih Baik serta Lebih Indah"

(Tempat di Mesjid Al-Furqon, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Selasa, 17 November 2009

Ada Apa Dengan TOEFL?

Mari Belajar TOEFL

If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request.


When transforming statements, check whether you have to change:
  • pronouns
  • present tense verbs (3rd person singular)
  • place and time expressions
  • tenses (backshift)
Type Example
direct speech “I speak English.”
reported speech
(no backshift)
He says that he speaks English.
reported speech
He said that he spoke English.


Ferra Wulandari D. S.

Lintang Meidita Pribadi


1. Ibu. Dra. Hj. Mimin Aminah, M.Pd.

2. Bpk. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.Pd.

3. Ibu. Hikmah, S.Pd.

Ucapan Terima Kasih:

1. Bpk. Ahmad Bukhori, S.Pd. M.A.
(English Department of Indonesia University of Education)

2. Balai Bahasa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Balai Bahasa | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

3. The British Institute
The British Institute - Study English with the Best

Semoga Bermanfaat dan Terima Kasih

Jumat, 13 November 2009

Oleh-oleh dari Universitas Cambridge & Harvard

Nu Taat

Umat taat
Imanna kuat
Tumut nasehat
Cekel amanat
Tara khianat
Yakinkeun syhadat
Nanjeurkeun sholat
Puasa tamat
Mere zakat
Ka haji mangkat

Silih Asah, Silih Asih, Silih Asuh

Mari Belajar Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Harvard

About Us

The Institute for English Language (IEL) Programs can help you gain the English skills to succeed in a variety of careers and courses of study. Courses are available at five levels of proficiency.

Understand Proficiency Levels

Pamadegan tepat
Awak sehat
Bathin wal afiat
Elmuna manfaat

Beginning: level A

Level A courses are for students with limited experience using English who need extensive practice and instruction in all aspects of the language.

Boga bakat
Gawe giat
Pagaweanna maslahat
Rezeki ningkat

Intermediate: level B

Level B courses are for students with a basic knowledge of English who need to practice oral and written structures and expand their vocabulary to develop broad general competence in the language.

Tutulung rikat
Ka sasama hormat
Tara ngumpat
Tara maksiat

High intermediate: level C

Level C courses are for students who wish to increase the accuracy, range, and complexity of their oral and written communication by using the language in many contexts and eliminating areas of weakness.

Alam dirawat
Masyarakat kabengbat
Luhur martabat
Loba sobat

Advanced: level D

Level D courses are for students who already demonstrate knowledge of the language and who wish to expand their proficiency for competent, extended performance in a variety of academic and professional circles.

Mindeng tirakat
Salawasna tobat
Meunang rahmat
Dunya nikmat
Sugema akherat

High advanced: level E

Level E courses are for students with very high levels of proficiency who are engaged in professional study or work that regularly challenges them to appreciate the nuances of English on the global scene and use the language with ease.

Extension School forms

Registration forms

Disability forms

General forms

Diploma applications

Integrated Skills

Classrooms and instructors will be assigned on the Friday before classes begin. Log in to online services and select "Course Registration and Schedule" then "View Course Schedule" to get this information for your class.

These courses are open to students at all levels of proficiency.

Integrated Skills (Levels A-E)

  • IEL E-10a Integrated Skills Level A (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-10b Integrated Skills Level B (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-10c Integrated Skills Level C (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-10d Integrated Skills Level D (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-10e Integrated Skills Level E (Fall, Spring)

Intensive Integrated Skills (Levels A-D)

  • IEL E-20a Intensive Integrated Skills Level A (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-20b Intensive Integrated Skills Level B (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-20c Intensive Integrated Skills Level C (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-20d Intensive Integrated Skills Level D (Fall, Spring)

Specialized Skills

Classrooms and instructors will be assigned on the Friday before classes begin. Log in to online services and select "Course Registration and Schedule" then "View Course Schedule" to get this information for your class.

These courses are open to students at levels C and D.

  • IEL E-30c Listening and Speaking Level C (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-30d Listening and Speaking Level D (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-31cd Academic Discussion Level CD (Fall)
  • IEL E-31c Academic Discussion Level C (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-31d Academic Discussion Level D (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-32cd Academic Writing Level CD (Fall)
  • IEL E-32c Academic Writing Level C (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-32d Academic Writing Level D (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-33c Communication in Business Level C (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-33d Communication in Business Level D (Fall, Spring)

Workshops and Seminars

Classrooms and instructors will be assigned on the Friday before classes begin. Log in to online services and select "Course Registration and Schedule" then "View Course Schedule" to get this information for your class.

These courses are open to students at level E.

  • IEL E-51e Professional Communication Workshop Level E (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-52e Professional Writing Workshop Level E (Fall, Spring)
  • IEL E-53e Communication in Business Seminar Level E (Fall, Spring)

Berita dan Kegiatan dari Universitas Cambridge Just Click it! ^_^

The Cambridge Academy of English is an international centre and attracts students of all ages and nationalities who wish to learn English in a friendly, hard-working environment. We are located in a comfortable and safe residential area on the outskirts of Cambridge, England.

Cambridge is famous around the world for its university and its beautiful buildings. It is also an excellent place to study and learn English. We aim to offer every student who comes to the Cambridge Academy of English not just classes in English as a foreign language, but a full experience of English life and culture.

Teenage / Children's Courses

CAE has many years' experience of running homestay and residential courses, mainly in the summer but also at other times of year. Young learners (9-16 years old) from all over the world come on our courses, many of them returning year after year. All our teenage and children's courses are 'fully-inclusive' and include tuition, accommodation, social programme, airport transfers, all meals, admissions and insurance. All students receive a report and certificate on departure.

All teenage/children's courses include the following:

  • maximum 12 students per class
  • elementary - advanced (no beginners)
  • good nationality mix
  • practice in all language skills, emphasis on speaking/listening
  • free learning materials
  • free excursions
  • sport/art activities
  • on-site welfare and first aid
Course Structure
  • Students can enroll for 2 or 4 weeks
  • Lessons take place every morning from Monday to Friday
  • Learn vocabulary, grammar, speaking and listening using projects
  • Learn the English you need by doing the things you like to do
  • Students have lessons in the morning and social activities in the afternoon and evening
  • 30 minutes homework every day
  • There are excursions every weekend- usually shopping trips or visits to London or a theme park.

Didukung Oleh:

Bangunharja English Academy for Children & Society


1. Wawan Nurwana, S.Pd. (Guru Teladan)
2. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.Pd. (Guru Bahasa Inggris)
3. Hikmah, S.Pd. (Guru Bahasa Inggris)
4. Susi Susilawati (Guru TK & Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Desa Bangunharja)

Saung Bahasa di Lembur Kuring

"Dimanapun kami ada, disana tempat kami belajar"

Balai Bahasa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Pada tahun 1970-an, Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti) mendirikan beberapa Balai Bahasa di Indonesia. Satu di antaranya adalam Balai Bahasa IKIP Bandung. Sejak berdirinya, Balai Bahasa IKIP Bandung telah mengalami pergantian pimpinan, yaitu:

  1. Prof. Dr. Jusuf Amir Feisal (1971-1979)
  2. Drs. H. Mundari Muhada, Dipl. TEFL (1979-1981)
  3. Drs. H. Mustafa Kamal, Dipl. TEFL (1981-1991)
  4. Drs. H. Ilyas Purakusumah (1991-1993)
  5. Prof. Dr. H. Chaedar Alwasilah, MA (1993-1996)
  6. Prof. Dr. Yoyo Mulyana, MPd. (1996-1997)
  7. Prof. Dr. Hj. Nenden Sri Lengkanawati, MPd. (1997-2005)
  8. Dr. Didi Sukyadi, MA (2005- Sekarang)

Penulis dan Dr. Didi Sukyadi, MA

Balai Bahasa | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Sejalan dengan perubahan IKIP Bandung menjadi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia pada tahun 1999 dan UPI BHMN tahun 2004, nama Balai Bahasa IKIP Bandung pun menjadi Balai Bahasa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Status Balai Bahasa UPI adalah Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) di lingkungan UPI yang pengelolaannya dipertanggungjawabkan kepada Rektor melalui Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik.

The British Institute

1. Banjar English Club

2. Belajar TOEFL: English Language TOEFL Preparation

3. Berbicara

4. Membaca

5. Mendengarkan

6. Menulis

7. Banjar Debating Championship Community Komunitas Debat Bahasa Inggris Kota Banjar

8. BELY (Banjar English Literature Community)

Semoga Bermanfaat dan Terima Kasih!

Kamis, 12 November 2009

Oleh-oleh dari MIT untuk Para Siswa dan Guru Sekolah Menengah

"Pengetahuan tidaklah cukup; kita harus mengamalkannya. Niat tidaklah cukup; kita harus melakukannya"

~Arip Nurahman~

MIT OpenCourseWare:

Highlights for High School


"Bismillahi kawit nu ditulis, budi-daya pamedaring Samad, dupi Samad tegesna teh, kawit "dongeng Karuhun", nu berbudi Bujangga asli, tawisna nampi Ilham, waspada saestu, margi nu sipat Bujangga, titi-surti kukuh-pengkuh ati-ati, tulisan ngemban lisan"

~Highlights for High School features MIT OpenCourseWare materials that are most useful for high school students and teachers~

Testimonial dari para Pendidik

"I was amazed that a university such as MIT would freely give access to its educational information."
~Triatno Yudo Harjoko
Educator, Professor of Architecture

"Saya dan teman-teman mulai memanfaatkan, meneliti dan mengembangkan materi perkuliahan online dari MIT (OpenCourseWare) sejak tahun 2007, menyenangkan sekali"
~Arip Nurahman~

Testimonial dari beberapa Siswa

"I first visited OCW merely to consider options for a college major, but soon realized the true depth of the material. Many intro-level classes on OCW are extremely relevant to an advance high school curriculum, and i found the video lectures extremely helpful for Linear Algebra."

High School Student

"The Introduction to Psychology courses are wonderful. There's no psychology class at my high school and it's wonderful to receive quasi-instruction in this area free of charge."

High School Student

For Students

Highlights for High School is your guide to MIT courses selected specifically to help you prepare for AP exams, learn more about the skills and concepts you learned in school, and get a glimpse of what you'll soon study in college.

Need a break from studying?

Check out videos of competitions at MIT like the Solar Decathlon. Ever see a bullet smash through a rose dipped in nitrogen? Check out the Strobe Project Laboratory. Studying for the Physics AP exam? Watch an MIT professor explain pendulums by swinging across his classroom.

Want to apply for admission to MIT as a student? Contact the MIT Admissions Office for an application.

Office of Admissions
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Room 3-108
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Phone: +1.617.253.3400


AP Physics

We have selected relevant material from MIT's introductory courses to support students as they study and educators as they teach the AP® Physics curriculum.

"A Leader set high standards, and Inspire people to achieve"

AP Biology

We have selected relevant material from MIT's introductory courses to support students as they study and educators as they teach the AP® Biology curriculum.

"Change is Continuous process, not an event"

AP Calculus

We have selected relevant material from MIT's introductory courses to support students as they study and educators as they teach the AP® Calculus curriculum.

"Learn from many Teacher. As A Bee Takes Honey from Many Flowers"

High School Courses Developed by MIT

The courses listed below are from MIT's Educational Studies Program (ESP), an MIT student group offering high school courses for over 50 years, and the Chandra Astrophysics Institute.

Langkah-langkah mendaftar di MIT's Educational Studies Program

1. Kunjungi situs; MIT's Educational Studies Program (ESP)



Username: aripnurahman

password: semangatbelajar

2. Daftarkan diri anda:
a. Klik menu sign up di Sebelah Kanan
b. Isi form yang sudah disediakan
c. Manfaatkan materi-materi pembelajaran disana untuk kebaikan

3. Selamat mencoba

"Life isn't about FINDING Yourself, Life about CREATING Yourself"
~George B. Shaw~


Chandra Astrophysics Institute
The Big Questions
Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
Excitatory Topics in Physics
Guitar Building
Audio and Speaker Electronics


Probability: Random Isn't So Random
Combinatorics: The Fine Art of Counting


Gödel, Escher, Bach
Europe in Crisis: The World Wars in Europe
Leadership Training Institute


Labs bring science concepts alive as you observe, practice, and experiment with problems.


" Some People Succeed because they are Destined to....But Most People Succeed because they are Determined To!"

Knowledge In Action

Write Better

A fundamental part of an MIT education is the belief that education is not a passive activity: We believe in the application of the skills and ideas you gather here, and it is only by doing that you truly learn.

The ability to communicate your ideas and research is as important as the ideas and research themselves. After all, what good is knowledge if you can't share it?

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Universitas Harvard

"Ya Rabbana Hamba punya pinta

Bila suatu saat aku jatuh cinta dan mempunyai Kasih Sayang

Penuhilah hatiku dengan bilangan cinta-Mu yang tak terbatas

Biar rasaku pada-Mu tetap utuh, Biar asaku terhadap-Mu tak pernah rapuh"

Lecture 11: Security
Monday, 30 November 2009 Notes: PDF
Slides: PDF
Source Code: Screen Scraping
Video: Flash | Flash + Slideshow | MP3 | QuickTime

Disusun Ulang Oleh:

Arip Nurahman

Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge. USA.

Terima Kasih, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Terima Kasih.