Di Susun Ulang dan Ditambah Oleh:
Arip Nurahman
Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Indonesia University of Education
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge, M.A. U.S.A.
Profile Universitas Kelas Dunia
Hinc lucem et pocula sacra
Terjemahan harafiah: "From here, light and sacred draughts".
Non-harafiah: "Dari universitas ini kami menerima pencerahan dan pengetahuan yang berharga".
Universitas Cambridge (Inggris: Cambridge University; Latin: Universitas Cantabrigiensis) adalah universitas kedua-tertua di dunia bahasa Inggris, dengan persyaratan masuk yang paling ketat di Britania Raya.
Catatan awal sudah tidak tersimpan lagi, namun universitas ini tumbuh dari sebuah perhimpunan sarjana di kota Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Inggris, kemungkinan dibentuk pada 1209 oleh sarjana yang kabur dari Universitas Oxford setelah bertengkar dengan penduduk kota sana.
Universitas Oxford dan Cambridge, sering dijuluki Oxbridge, telah memiliki sejarah kompetisi yang lama satu sama lain, dan dipandang luas sebagai universitas paling elit dan bergengsi di Britania Raya. Berdasarkan sejarah, mereka telah menghasilkan sejumlah ilmuwan,penulis, dan politisi Britania yang terkenal.
Afiliasi dari Universitas Cambridge telah memenangkan 80 Penghargaan Nobel [1], lebih banyak dari universitas lain di dunia .[2]. Dari 80 pemenang Penghargaan Nobel ini, 70 pernah menghadiri Cambridge sebagai murid prasarjana atau pasca-sarjana, dan bukan sebagai "associate" riset, "fellow" atau profesor (Universita Chicago di urutan ke-2 dalam afiliasi pemenang Penghargaan Nobel, dengan 79 orang, tetapi hanya 30 yang pernah belajar di Universitas Chicago sebagai murid prasarjana atau pasca-sarjana).
Cambridge is a member of the Russell Group, a network of large, research-led British universities; the Coimbra Group, an association of leading European universities; the LERU (League of European Research Universities), and the IARU (International Alliance of Research Universities).
Cambridge adalah anggota dari Grup Russell (sebuah jaringan besar, universitas Britania yang berorientasi riset), Grup Coimbra (sebuah perhimpunan universitas terkemuka Eropa), dan LERU (League of European Research Universities, Liga Universitas Riset Eropa).

Dapatkah Siswa di Indonesia Bersekolah di Universitas Besar ini?
Di Jawab Oleh:
David Forster
Cambridge Graduate 2009
Of course Indonesian people can study at Cambridge, and there is language support. If you want more information, I'd suggest getting hold of a university prospectus or contacting the university yourself. I recommend ignoring Clover who doesn't know how to be civil.
Apparently about 10% of undergraduates at Cambridge are international students. The number of international postgraduates is higher, closer to 40%.
Good English is a requirement of the university.
I quote:
"It is essential that your English language skills are good enough for you to undertake an intensive and challenging academic course that is taught and examined in English."
As for scholarship, I found this information:
"Cambridge Commonwealth and Overseas Trusts"
The Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust offer awards (mostly part cost) to overseas students, including affiliated students, who have been accepted for admission by a Cambridge College. You cannot apply for funding through the Trusts until you have been offered a place at one of the Colleges. At this point the College will send you full details of the Trust awards and an application form. All awards are means-tested.
"College Awards"
Some Colleges also offer partial financial support for overseas students. Further information about Trust and College awards can be obtained from College admissions offices. Prince Philip Scholarships for applicants from Hong Kong If you are a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region applying for a first degree at Cambridge, you are eligible to apply for one of these Scholarships. The Scholarships offer cash awards and means-tested support for tuition fees and maintenance.
You need to send your application for the Scholarship at the same time as you send in your application to Cambridge, to arrive by 15 October 2008. For further details and an application form write to: The Administrative Secretary, The Friends of Cambridge University in Hong Kong, c/o The Bank of East Asia Limited, 10 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong. Website: http://www.cambridge.org.hk.
Here are some links which might be useful to you:
Information for international applicants for undergraduate studies:
Costs and scholarships:
Entrance requirements:
Untuk Lebih Jelasnya Kunjungi:
Beasiswa Ke Universitas Cambridge
Priscilla Kosasih
Cambridge Postgraduate Student 2010, dalam Bidang Master Pendidikan
Hi Arip-
Thanks for the message. I am here at Cambridge because I applied and I got in, I suppose. :) I don't know... I just filled in the form, submitted it in, and they asked me to write 2 essays to help them decide whether they wanted me or otherwise, and it turned out that they wanted me and gave me an offer.
The process was really painful, though. You have to send 3 sets of application form and supporting documents;
1. Goes to the Board,
2. Goes to the College, and
3. Goes to the Department.
All three parties have to agree to accept you before you can study here. The Board usually sticks to the regulations. If you fail to meet even 1 requirement, they will say no. However, if the department really wants you, they will make an appeal and the Board may change their mind. :)
Anyway, hope this is useful for you. Good luck for your study, too!
( 24 October 2009 at 18:40)
The Gita Wirjawan Graduate Fellowship at The University of Cambridge
Two scholarships are offered annually to study for a one-year masters program in any field at the University of Cambridge.
"Cambridge was once one of a handful of universities, its influence primarily extending nationally and into continental Europe. The British Empire opened up new routes along which people and ideas travelled further. Today, we are one of many hundred research-intensive universities worldwide. Our home is a small island, yet a great deal of history gives us global reach and impact far beyond what might reasonably be expected from any simple notion of the connection between size on the one hand, and levels of power and ambition on the other"
Professor Alison Richard
Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, one of the world’s oldest universities, has attracted many of the very best minds since 1209. Today the university has grown to around 17,500 students (7,000 of whom are graduate students), and 3,000 teaching and administrative staff. Of the graduate students, 50 per cent come from overseas, and well over a third are women.
Historically, the university has had a very good reputation for both mathematics and the sciences. But it also has strong humanities and social science faculties. In the last two British Government research assessment exercise in 2001 and 2008 respectively, Cambridge was ranked first in the country. In 2006, a Thomson Scientific study showed that Cambridge has the highest research paper output of any British university, and is also the top research producer in 10 out of 21 major British research fields analysed.
Cambridge has over the course of its history built up a sizable number of alumni who are notable in their fields, both academic, and in the wider world. Officially, affiliates of the university have won a total of 83 Nobel Prizes. It has educated 15 British prime ministers, including the first Robert Walpole. At least twenty-three Heads of State or Heads of Government have attended Cambridge.
Selection Criteria
Applicants should have (a) a confirmed acceptance at any faculty at the University of Cambridge; (b) an excellent academic record with a first degree equivalent to a good Second Class (Upper) Honors or a GPA of at least 3.5; (c) a very good command of the English language; and (d) assessed to have outstanding potential for leadership in government, business, or civil society after graduation.
The application deadlines for 2010-11 vary according to different courses offered by the university. Further details of the application process can be found in the following website:
Terms and Conditions
Each fellowship is tenable only for a one-year masters program in any field at Cambridge University. The successful candidate is expected to complete his/her studies within the tenable period.
Each scholarship will cover the following:
* Tuition and other compulsory fees (as specified by Cambridge University);
* Monthly stipend; and
* Return air-ticket (economy class)

Sekolah Musim Panas di Universitas Cambridge
Arip Nurahman
Come to England and join us in 2009 for a festival of learning at a University of Cambridge Summer School.
During July and August you have the chance to study and live in one of the world's most renowned universities on programmes lasting from one to six weeks. Our programmes cover a wide range of academic subjects, so whether you are looking to gain extra credit or attain a life-long ambition of studying at Cambridge, spend a very different summer with us.
With a variety of subjects on offer, the University of Cambridge International Summer Schools give you the opportunity to explore a range of topics and disciplines.A range of programme options allow for close study on specialist summer schools, or a more varied approach on our interdisciplinary programmes.
Plenary lecture in Lady Mitchell Hall Interdisciplinary Summer Schools
If you are looking to study a variety of subjects, International Summer School Term I and Term II are ideal for you. Term I lasts for four weeks (spanning Sessions 1 and 2) while Term II is two weeks in length and takes place during Session 3.
On each programme you choose either two or three courses from those on offer and have classroom sessions each weekday, complemented by daily lectures on a range of general topics.
Specialist Summer Schools
If you are looking for in-depth study of a favourite subject then these programmes could be what you are looking for.
We have programmes in Literature, History, Science, Shakespeare, Medieval Studies and Art History. We also have an English for Academic Purposes programme which you can combine with one of three other Summer Schools.
Each of our specialist Summer Schools runs for two weeks and each falls within one of three sessions.
You can combine programmes from different sessions to build an individual schedule that meets your needs and interests, building up study periods of two, four or six weeks. You can also study for part of a session, allowing for one, three or five week study periods.
* Our programmes
* Terms I & II
* Art History
* History
* Literature
* Medieval Studies
* Science
* Shakespeare
* English for Academic Purposes
* English Legal Methods
* IARU Global Study Programme
* Special programmes

University of Cambridge
International Education System

Beberapa Tulisan Kerja Sama Online dengan Calon dan Pelajar
dari Universitas Cambridge
1. Wikipedia
2. Facebook
3. Sumber Lainnya.
Ucapan Terima Kasih:
Kepada Orang Tua dan Guru-guru terkasih, teman dan sahabat seperjuangan!
Semoga Bermanfaat, Bersemangat, Mohon Maaf dan Terima Kasih.
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