Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Beasiswa Pelajar Kota Banjar

(Program Bimbingan Karir Keluarga Pelajar Kota Banjar)

Untuk meraih Beasiswa dalam dan luar negeri baik Undergraduate
(Sedang dalam Kuliah Sarjana)

maupun pasca sarjana
(Master dan Doktoral S2-S3)


Education for All


Yes We Can


1. Mengirimkan 1000 orang Siswa pertahun untuk belajar ke 18 Universitas atau Perguruan Tinggi Terbaik di Indonesia (Negeri, Swasta dan Kedinasan) lewat beasiswa

2. Mengirimkan 100 orang Siswa pertahun untuk belajar ke 10 Universitas Terbaik Dunia di manca negara

3. Pelatihan dan pembinaan Mental Entrepreneurship sejak usia Dini

Welcome to KFUPM Open Courseware

The World Wide Web has become a common means to openly share instructional content on a worldwide level. The purpose of KFUPM open courseware is to showcase course material used in the courses of the university to demonstrate KFUPM educational culture and to be part of the global interactions in the open sharing of educational material.

The courses on this site are categorized in terms of the academic disciplines in which university offers its academic programs. The site currently includes sample courses and more courses will be added to the site with time. We hope that you will find the available resources useful whether you are a student or an educator.

Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:

1. Kang Agus Haeruman, S.Si. (UGM dan MTU Singapura)
2. Kang Dede Supriatna, (IPB dan Peraih Beasiswa Turki)
3. Teh Syahdian F. Sofwan (Technical University Kaiserlaustern, Geraman)
4. Kang Karijal Muharom (Oxford Brokes University)

Special Thanks To:

Wael Alghamdi, B.Sc. (From Saudi Arabia)

Studied Mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
(Medal Winner at International Mathematics Olympiad 2008)

Ucapan Terima Kasih Juga Kepada Organisasi-organisasi Kemahasiswaan Kota Banjar

4. Keluarga Pelajar dan Mahasiswa Kota Banjar di Purwokerto

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