Rabu, 29 April 2009

Bimbingan Ke Sekolah Tinggi

Assalamulikum wr.wb.

Tips Menjadi Mahasiswa Sukses

by Romi Satria Wahono, B.Eng., M.Eng., D.Eng.

mahasiswasukses.gifAnda mahasiswa yang luntang-luntung kurang kerjaan? Sudah mulai mual ndengerin kuliah pak dosen? Mulai bete dengan suasana kos-kosan? Apalagi teman dekat sudah mulai pindah kos karena nggak tahan anda utangin terus hehehe. Pingin teriak sekeras-kerasnya tapi takut ditimpukin tetangga? Atau dulu punya mimpi pingin ikut mbangun republik tercinta, tapi jangankan itu, mbangun diri sendiri saja susah bo :) Apa salah jurusan yah? Padahal dulu dah baca-baca tulisan tips dan trik memilih jurusan. Bingung karena nggak dapat apa-apa di universitas. Jadi makin terseok-seok dan tanpa ruh kalau baca tulisan tentang jenis mahasiswa. Hmmm … coba deh ikuti tulisan ini, siapa tahu ada tips yang cocok dan bisa bikin semangat bangkit.

  1. Bangun tidur, berdiri di depan kaca, ucapkan bahwa andalah yang terbaik di kos-kosan ini (Ya soalnya anda sendirian sekarang :D ) Kalau anda merasa itu kurang, ucapkan bahwa andalah yang terbaik di kelas anda atau terganteng di kampus anda. Yakinilah bahwa anda adalah manusia pilihan, paling tidak terpilih sebagai wakil desa anda yang bisa kuliah di universitas ini. Atau kalau lebih pede lagi, bilang bahwa andalah makhluk terbaik di muka bumi, ya memang benar, paling tidak dibandingkan dengan hewan dan tumbuhan :P

  2. Mandi yang bersih, sisir dan rapikan rambut anda. Ambil handphone, bikin senyuman paling manis, foto wajah anda. Ulangi lagi kalau masih kurang enak dilihat. Kalau sampai 10 kali jepretan masih juga kurang enak di lihat, ambil secara acak saja. Mungkin wajah anda memang tidak terlalu enak dilihat :)

  3. Nyalakan komputer, akses internet, nggak usah ke mana-mana, langsung saja buka http://wordpress.com. Buat account blog di sana.

  4. Renungi hidup anda, ingat-ingat lagi perjalanan hidup dari kecil sampai sekarang dan apa yang telah anda lakukan. Masuk ke menu administrasi http://wordpress.com, klik Write->Page. Buat tulisan dengan judul About Me, tuliskan resume, kisah hidup dan Curriculum Vitae (CV) anda. Tuliskan “apa saja” seluruh kegiatan anda di sana. Dari lahir, SD, SMP, SMA dan kuliah. Pernah jadi ketua OSIS, sekretaris, bendahara atau pesuruh OSIS? Atau pernah ikutan nyembelih kambing kurban, pernah jadi penjaga masjid, pernah bikin workshop komputer, pernah menang lomba balap karung, cerdas cermat atau lomba gambar di kampung. Tulis semuanya. Kerahkan seluruh ingatan anda, anggap saja nostalgia. Sekali lagi, tulis semua, apapun yang anda lalui di “Page” berjudul About Me tadi. Sudah puas? Klik “Publish“. Kalau ada yang kurang tambahi lagi, kalau merasa halaman itu nggak cukup dan harus tulis dalam OO Writer atau MS Word, copy and paste saja draft tadi. Jangan lupa convert ke PDF dan upload di halaman About Me. Perbaiki terus CV anda setiap ada kegiatan yang anda lakukan, sekecil apapun. Beri juga skrinsyuut kalau diperlukan. Oh ya, foto manis anda tadi jangan lupa dipasang di halaman About Me, kalau pingin contoh, termasuk gimana nempatan CV versi PDF cek di sini deh :)

  5. Sekarang ayok berdiri, jalan ke meja belajar anda. Kenangi kehidupan kampus anda, senangnya ketika diterima di universitas ini, semangatnya ikutan ospek (atau apa ya namanya sekarang?), dosen-dosen anda yang baik dan menyenangkan, nilai mata kuliah anda yang naik turun (yang pasti lebih banyak turunnya ;) ), dan mungkin juga teman-teman mahasiswi anda yang sudah menolak cinta anda :) Kenang semua. Olala, ada kenangan manis disaat anda berjaya dengan satu mata kuliah yang anda senangi, dosennya juga maknyus kalau ngajar, dan anda akhirnya anda mendapatkan berkah nilai A diantara tumpukan nilai C, D dan E.

  6. Mata kuliah apa itu ya, yang dulu anda senangi? Cari buku catatan anda, obrak abrik meja belajar untuk nyari buku textbook mata kuliah itu. Ketemu? Oalah anda ternyata jagoan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Ok sekarang lihat lagi tulisan di buku catatan anda yang sudah lusuh. Cocokan dengan buku textbook. Sekarang tulis kenangan anda tentang mata kuliah Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak itu. Jangan tulis yang lain, konsentrasi saja ke satu mata kuliah itu. Tulisan apapun asal berhubungan dengan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak. Satu topik tulisan cukup 4-6 paragraf saja, jangan kepanjangan. Kalau belum puas, buat lagi topik lain, batasi juga 4-6 paragraf. Nulisnya di Write->Post lho ya, jangan lupa.

  7. Kurang bahan? Dulu kayaknya pernah pinjem buku bagus tentang Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak di perpustakaan? Ok, kebetulan dah masuk waktu dhuhur dan makan siang. Jangan lupa mampir dulu untuk sholat dhuhur di masjid samping kos-kosan, dan makan siang di warteg andalan. Ok, genjot sepeda ke kampus, langsung ke perpus. Cari buku kenangan anda tadi. Juga cari banyak berita dan tulisan populer tentang software dan metode pengembangan. Kalau perpus ada internet, balik lagi ke http://wordpress.com anda. Lanjutkan tulisan-tulisan anda.

  8. Ops nggak terasa sampai maghrib di perpus. Sholat, makan malam dan pulang. Ingat-ingat deh dulu kayaknya pernah ngerjain Tugas Mandiri berhubungan dengan software? Ok kumpulin file-filenya yuk. Dari mata kuliah apa saja lah, bisa Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Dasar Pemrograman, Pemrograman berorientasi Obyek, atau apapun. Kalau ada program yang dulu dibuat juga kumpulin. Dibahas saja program yang pernah dibuat, sekaligus dibagi gratis tuh codenya. Walah bisa jadi satu kategori baru tuh di blog :)

  9. Sebelum tidur, baca bismillah, dan ucapkan syukur hari ini anda sudah melakukan kegiatan yang sangat baik dan produktif, kegiatan yang bisa membanggakan orang tua, teman, tetangga, dan dosen anda. Dan Insya Allah bisa menjadi bekal kontribusi anda ke republik tercinta ini.

  10. Bangun pagi, nggak usah kebanyakan tidur, anda bukan bayi lagi :) Sholat shubuh dan lanjutkan petualangan hidup anda.

  11. Sebelum masuk kuliah baca-baca buku dulu deh, hari ini pak dosen mau ngajari apa, siapa tahu bisa jadi bahan tulisan. Kalau ada waktu pagi bikin resume atau rangkuman bab yang pak dosen akan ajar. Insya Allah saya jamin anda akan masuk ke kelas dengan suasana yang berbeda. Anda tidak lagi tidur. Horeeee! Lho kok bisa, ya soalnya anda jadi pingin konfirmasi ke pak dosen, yang anda pahami dari rangkuman tadi bener nggak. Dan anda akan nyimak karena anda berharap bisa jadi bahan tulisan. Ada kemungkinan anda akan lebih pinter dari pak dosen, karena kadang saking sibuknya ngerjain proyek, pak dosen kadang lupa belajar … hihihi. Kalau ada pertanyaan yang nggak bisa dijawab pak dosen, anda angkat tangan saja, bilang bahwa pernah mengupas tuntas masalah itu, sebutkan URL blog anda. Bantu dosen anda jawablah, siapa tahu malah nanti diminta bantu dosen ngerjain proyek atau malah jadi asisten dosen. Cuman jangan galak-galak sama adik kelas yah, jaman dosen bangga karena nggak ngelulusin mahasiswa sudah kuno. Yang trend sekarang dosen gaul, kayak si broer sang dosen flamboyan (ngajar di semua kampus di jakarta bo) dan mbah IMW dari gundar :)

  12. Lanjutkan perdjoeangan. Mudah-mudahan semester ini tumpukan nilai A anda semakin banyak. Dan Insya Allah saya jamin, anda tidak akan kesulitan ngerjain skripsi atau TA di semester akhir. Kok bisa? Ya, anda sudah terbiasa banyak baca dan nulis, ini modal penting bikin skripsi. Logikanya kalau anda banyak nulis, pasti banyak baca tho :) Jangan lupa untuk submit artikel-artikel anda di IlmuKomputer.Com, prosedurnya ada di sini nih. Ini penting karena kabarnya numpang nampang di IlmuKomputer.Com bisa bawa hoki, bisa dapat jodoh, pekerjaan, project atau ketularan gemuk dari foundernya. Yang pasti bisa bantu ningkatin traffic blog anda :)

  13. Kalau kebiasaan 1-12 anda lakukan sampai anda lulus, Insya Allah anda tidak akan kesulitan mencari pekerjaan. Justru pekerjaan yang akan mencari anda. Tulisan-tulisan anda di blog sudah di-indeks oleh banyak mesin mencari. Bahkan mungkin kalau orang googling dengan keyword “Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Indonesia“, yang muncul nomor satu adalah blog anda. Anda nggak perlu bawa CV ke mana-mana karena anda sudah tulis di blog anda. Tentu anda akan semakin surprise kalau ada penerbit yang nawarin membukukan tulisan-tulisan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak yang anda telateni selama ini. Kesempatan jadi dosen bukan mimpi lagi, lha wong yang nulis bukunya anda je. Wajar tho sekalian ngajar ;) Malah anda mungkin sudah ditokohkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia di bidang Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak? Amiiin. Cuman jangan sombong, sombong itu temannya setan :)

  14. Akhirnya, alhamdulillah anda telah sukses melewati kehidupan mahasiswa anda dengan baik. Bukan karena siapa-siapa, tapi karena perdjoeangan anda sendiri, karena tangan anda sendiri, dan tentu saja pertolongan dari yang DIATAS. Jangan lupa, tetap lanjutkan perdjoeangan di kehidupan baru.

1. Bank Soal Ujian Nasional

2. Soal-soal SNMPTN
(Bersama Seluruh Pelajar Kota Banjar)

Divisi Scholarship
Diasuh oleh: Kurniawan dan Agung Febrianto

Divisi Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Motivasi
Diasuh Oleh:
Ade Akhyar Nurdin

3. Tim Olimpiade Kota Banjar

Tim Olimpiade Kota Banjar

(Click Gambarnya!)
(Pilot Project for Sciences Olympiad in Indonesia/Proyek Percontohan Tim Olimpiade Sains di Indonesia)

Oleh: Arip Nurahman
Guru dan Dosen Profesional (Keluar deh Narsisnya ^_~)
Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, U.S.A.

Semoga Bermanfaat, Tetap Semangat!

Senin, 27 April 2009

Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional

Arip Nurahman

Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge. USA.

“Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there”
(Teman baik itu seperti bintang di langit. Kita tidak selalu melihatnya, tapi kita tahu bahwa mereka akan selalu ada di sana).

Senin, 20 April 2009

Universitas Harvard

“Love cures people - both the ones who give it, and the ones who receive it”
~Karl Menninger~

Lecture 3: XML
Monday, 28 September 2009
Notes: PDF
Source Code:
index | ZIP
Flash | Flash + Slideshow | MP3 | QuickTime

Lecture 4: XML, Continued
Monday, 5 October 2009
Notes: PDF
Flash | Flash + Slideshow | MP3 | QuickTime

Disusun Ulang Oleh:

Arip Nurahman

Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge. USA.

Terima Kasih, Semoga Bermanfaat dan Tetap Semangat

Jumat, 17 April 2009

Banjar SNMPTN Center

Banjar SNMPTN Center


"Bermimpi dan Berharaplah, karena ini adalah Fitrah Manusia, Berjuang dan Bekerja keraslah secara Terus-menerus karena ini adalah jalan, berTawakalah karena Kita punya Tuhan."


"Mampu menembus PTN di Indonesia"


1. Keberlanjutan Bimbingan dan Latihan Pengerjaan Soal-soal SNMPTN

2. Mengadakan Try Out dan Simulasi SNMPTN yang Berkelanjutan

3. Meluluskan Sekitar 100 Orang Siswa ke PTN lewat SNMPTN 2010

4. Kajian dan Analisis Soal-soal SNMPTN

5. Pemberian Motivasi dan Dorongan yang berkelanjutan


Jangka Pendek

Kegiatan Pertahun




Jangka Menengah




Jangka Panjang




Ada Apa Dengan TOEFL?

"Senyum itu Indah dan Ibadah, Menulis itu mudah dan menyenangkan"
~Arip Nurahman~

Mari Belajar TOEFL

Writing Section


These sample tasks in the Writing section measure your ability to write in English in an academic environment. There will be 2 writing tasks.

· For the first task in this sampler, you will read a passage and part of a lecture about an academic topic. Then you will write a response to a question that asks you about the relationship between the lecture and the reading passage. Try to answer the question as completely as possible using information from the reading passage and the lecture. The question does not ask you to express your personal opinion. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage.

· For the second task, you will demonstrate your ability to write an essay in response to a question that asks you to express and support your opinion about a topic or issue. Your essay will be scored on the quality of your writing. This includes the development of your ideas, the organization of your essay, and the quality and accuracy of the language you use to express your ideas.

· At the end of the writing section, in this sampler you will find two sample essays for each question, the score they received, and an explanation of how they were scored.

· In an actual test, you will be able to take notes while you listen and use your notes to help you answer the questions.

1. Read the following passage and the lecture which follows. In an actual test, you will have 3 minutes to read the passage. Then, answer the question. In the test, you will have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words. Candidates with disabilities may request additional time to read the passage and write the response.


Critics say that current voting systems used in the United States are inefficient and often lead to the inaccurate counting of votes. Miscounts can be especially damaging if an election is closely contested. Those critics would like the traditional systems to be replaced with far more efficient and trustworthy computerized voting systems.

In traditional voting, one major source of inaccuracy is that people accidentally vote for the wrong candidate. Voters usually have to find the name of their candidate on a large sheet of paper containing many names—the ballot—and make a small mark next to that name. People with poor eyesight can easily mark the wrong name. The computerized voting machines have an easy-to-use touch-screen technology: to cast a vote, a voter needs only to touch the candidate’s name on the screen to record a vote for that candidate; voters can even have the computer magnify the name for easier viewing.

Another major problem with old voting systems is that they rely heavily on people to count the votes. Officials must often count up the votes one by one, going through every ballot and recording the vote. Since they have to deal with thousands of ballots, it is almost inevitable that they will make mistakes. If an error is detected, a long and expensive recount has to take place. In contrast, computerized systems remove the possibility of human error, since all the vote counting is done quickly and automatically by the computers.

Finally some people say it is too risky to implement complicated voting technology nationwide. But without giving it a thought, governments and individuals alike trust other complex computer technology every day to be perfectly accurate in banking transactions as well as in the communication of highly sensitive information.


(Narrator) Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.

(Female professor) While traditional voting systems have some problems, it’s doubtful that computerized voting will make the situation any better. Computerized voting may seem easy for people who are used to computers. But what about people who aren’t? People who can’t afford computers, people who don’t use them on a regular basis—these people will have trouble using computerized voting machines. These voters can easily cast the wrong vote or be discouraged from voting altogether because of fear of technology. Furthermore, it’s true that humans make mistakes when they count up ballots by hand. But are we sure that computers will do a better job? After all, computers are programmed by humans, so “human error” can show up in mistakes in their programs. And the errors caused by these defective programs may be far more serious. The worst a human official can do is miss a few ballots. But an error in a computer program can result in thousands of votes being miscounted or even permanently removed from the record. And in many voting systems, there is no physical record of the votes, so a computer recount in the case of a suspected error is impossible! As for our trust of computer technology for banking and communications, remember one thing: these systems are used daily and they are used heavily. They didn’t work flawlessly when they were first introduced. They had to be improved on and improved on until they got as reliable as they are today. But voting happens only once every two years nationally in the United States and not much more than twice a year in many local areas. This is hardly sufficient for us to develop confidence that computerized voting can be fully trusted.

Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.

2. Read the question below. In a real test, you will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Candidates with disabilities may request a time extension. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words.

Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample responses

Below are candidates’ responses exemplifying scores of 5 and 4 for both Writing tasks. The scoring rubrics used to score actual responses can be found on the TOEFL website’s “Download Library” page.


The lecture explained why the computerized voting system can not replace the traditional voting system. There are the following three reasons.

First of all, not everyoen one can use computers correctly. Some people do not have access to computers, some people are not used of computers, and some people are even scared of this new technology. If the voters do not know how to use a computer, how do you expect them to finish the voting process through computers? This directly refutes the reading passage which states that computerized voting is easier by just touchingthe screen.

Secondly, computers may make mistakes as the people do. As computers are programmed by the human beings, thus erros are inevitable in the computer system. Problems caused by computer voting systems may be more serious than those caused by people. A larger number of votes might be miss counted or even removed from the system. Furthermore, it would take more energy to recount the votes. Again this contradicts what is stated in the reading which stated that only people will make mistakes in counting.

Thirdly, computerized voting system is not reliable because it has not reached a stable status. People trust computers to conduct banking transactions because the computerized banking system is being used daily and frecuently and has been stable. How ever, the voting does not happen as often as banking thus the computerized voting system has not been proved to be totally reliable.

All in all, not everyone can use a computer properly, computer cause mistakes and computerized voting system is not reliable are the main reasons why computerized voting system can not replace the traditional voting system.

Score explanation

This response is well organized, selects the important information from all three points made in the lecture, and explains its relationship to the claims made in the reading passage about the advantages of computerized voting over traditional voting methods.

First, it counters the argument that computerized voting is more user-friendly and prevents distortion of the vote by saying that many voters find computers unfamiliar and some voters may end up not voting at all.

Second, it challenges the argument that computerized voting will result in fewer miscounts by pointing out that programming errors may result in large-scale miscounts and that some errors may result in the loss of voting records.

Third, it rejects the comparison of computerized voting with computerized banking by pointing out that the reliability of computerized banking (“reached a stable status”) has been achieved though frequent use, which does not apply to voting.

There are occasional minor language errors: for example, “people not used of computers”; “miss counted”; “computer cause mistakes”; and the poor syntax of the last sentence (“All in all . . . ”). Some spelling errors are obviously typos: “everyoen.” The errors, however, are not at all frequent and do not result in unclear or inaccurate representation of the content.

The response meets all the criteria for the score of 5.


The leture disgreed with the article's opinions. It's not a better solution to use the computerized voting systems.

Firstly, it might be hard for the voters who don't use the computer so often, or the users who is fear of the technology, even some of voters can not aford a computer. Touch screen may also be hard to use for people who is not familiar with computers. Secondly, computer is programmed by human beings, which means it can also have errors.

Instead of human being's counting error, which only results one or two counting error in number, an errror in the program code could cause tramendous error in number. In case of the computer crash or disaster, it may lost all the voting information. We can not even to make a re-count. Lastly, our daily banking or other highly sensitive infomation system, is actually improved as time goes by.

They were also problematic at the beginning. As we use them so often, we have more chances to find problems, and furturemore, to fix and improve them. However, for the voting system, we only use them every 2 years nationally and some other rare events. We just don't use it often enough to find a bug or test it thoroughly.

Score explanation

The response selects most of the important information from the lecture and indicates that it challenges the main argument in the reading passage about the advantages of computerized voting systems (“it’s not a better solution”).

First, the response explains that some people will not find computers to be user-friendly; however, it fails to relate this clearly to the point made in the passage that computerized voting will prevent distortion of the vote. That is clearly an omission, but it is minor.

Second, the response does a good job of pointing out how programming and errors can cause greater problems than miscounts cause in the traditional voting system.

Third, the response provides a nice explanation of how the frequent use of systems like the banking system has contributed to such systems’ reliability, and then it contrasts that with the computerized voting system.

There are more frequent language errors throughout the response—for example, “users who is fear”; “some of voters can not aford”; “people who is not familiar”; “it may lost”; and “can not even to make.” Expressions chosen by the writer occasionally affect the clarity of the content that is being conveyed: “results one or two counting error in number . . . an errror in the program code could cause tramendous error in number” and “use them every 2 years nationally and some other rare events.” However, it should be noted that in these cases, a reader can derive the intended meaning from the context.

Due to the more frequent language errors that on occasion result in minor lapses of clarity and due to minor content omission, especially in the coverage of the first lecture point, the response cannot earn the score of 5. At the same time, since the language errors are generally minor and mostly do not interfere with the clarity of the content and since most of the important information from the lecture is covered by the writer, the response deserves a higher score than 3. It meets the criteria for the score of 4.


I remember every teacher that has taught me since I was in Kindergarten. If a friend wants to know who our first grade teacher was in elementary school, all they have to do is ask me. The teachers all looked very kind and understanding in my eyes as a child. They had special relationships with nearly each and every one of the students and were very nice to everyone. That’s the reason I remember all of them.

A teacher’s primary goal is to teach students the best they can about the things that are in our textbooks and more important, how to show respect for one another. They teach us how to live a better life by getting along with everyone. In order to do that, the teachers themselves have to be able to relate well with students.

My parents are teachers too. One teaches Plant Biology and one teaches English, but that’s not the reason I’m calling them “teachers.” They are teachers beacuse they teach me how to act in special situations and how to cooperate with others. I have a brother, and my parents use different aproaches when teaching us. They might scold my brother for surfing the internet too long because he doesn’t have much self-control and they need to restrain him. He almost never studies on his own and is always either drawing, playing computer games, or reading.

On the other hand, they never tell me off for using the computer too long. I do my own work when I want and need to because that brings me the best results and my parents understand that. They know that I need leisure time of my own and that I’ll only play until needed. My parents’ ability to relate well with my brother and I allows them to teach, not just the subject they teach but also their excellent knowledge on life.

Knowlegde of the subject being taught is something taken for granted, but at the same time, secondary. One must go through and pass a series of courses and tests in order to become a teacher. Any teacher is able to have excellent knowledge of their subject but not all teachers can have the ability to relate well with students.

A teacher’s primary goal is to teach students the best they can about how to show respect for one another, so teachers use different approaches when teaching, and knowledge of the subjet being taught is secondary. For these reasons, I claim with confidence that excellent knowledge of the subject being taught is secondary to the teacher’s ability to relate well with their students.

Score explanation

This essay conveys the idea that as important as teaching knowledge is, it is as important if not more important for teachers to possess other qualities, all of which the writer classifies as necessary for being able to relate well with students. Those other qualities include having “special relationships” with students; the teaching of respect (in the first two paragraphs); and taking different approaches for different individuals.

The writer develops the last idea primarily by using a clearly appropriate extended and complex example of the writer’s own parents, who are teachers but whose special qualities in raising the writer and the writer’s brother had to do more with taking varied approaches. The writer then goes on to convey that knowledge is a given“something taken for granted”—because all teachers take course work and pass tests to gain their jobs but not all have the qualities the writer considers more important.

This response very effectively addresses the topic and the task. It is true that this response is different from most essays: the overall idea is stated explicitly but only at the end of the essay. However, because of very good language structure and good conceptual transitions between ideas, the reader is able to follow the writer’s development of ideas without becoming confused. The response is thus seen to be well organized. Errors in language are almost nonexistent here. This response meets all of the 5-level criteria from the Scoring Guide.


I disagree with the idea that the possessing the ability to relate well with student is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught for a teacher. There are several reasons why I disagree with that idea.

First, teachers’ job is to educate their student with their knowledge. The ability to relate well with their student is something a counselor should possess, not a teacher. That’s why the board of education gives an award to a teacher with an excellent knowledge of the subject they teach. Teachers who can get along with their students but have no knowledge can be popular and be liked by his or her students, however I don’t consider a teacher with no knowledge a good teacher.

Second, Students go to schools because they want to learn knowledge from their teachers not to get along with their teachers. I knew a math teacher who was well known among other mathematics teachers. Some students always complained how he never entertains his students which made many of his students to fall asleep. Nevertheless, all of his classes were all full even before the semester began because many students who were eager to learn already booked in. He won the Apples prize (it’s given to a noticed teacher annually) a couple of times and that enabled students to firmly believe in his way of teaching.

Thirdly, teachers are responsible for conceding their knowledge to their next generation. Teachers already had an experience of getting advantaged education from college. Teachers should not let that previlege become useless and workless. We all learn because we want to become the better person that this world needs. Students will also eventually grow up to be influencing other people and teachers should volunteerily be their students’ role models.

For conclusion, I think the most important quality a teacher must have is an excellent knowledge of the subject they teach, not an ability to relate well with their students.

Score explanation

This is a more traditional-looking essay that is organized with a point of view in the first paragraph stating the writer’s disagreement with the writing prompt, followed by three pieces of supporting reasons and examples.

The second paragraph makes the point that counselors are the ones who are supposed to relate to students and that teachers with no knowledge are not worthwhile as teachers.

In the third paragraph the writer tries to describe the fact that knowledge is important by stating that students wanted to take courses from a teacher who was known to possess special knowledge even though they knew the teacher was not entertaining.

The fourth paragraph contains the very interesting idea that teachers have the obligation to pass on what they have had the privilege of learning, but this paragraph in particular has a few problems with somewhat unclear expression of concepts: (1) errors of word choice in the word “conceding” (not clear exactly what word is intended here) and in the term “‘advantaged’ education” (advanced education or advantages of education?) and (2) a problem with unclear connection of ideas (why is it said that “We all learn because we want to become the better person that this world needs?”).

Overall, this essay is well organized, but the slightly unclear connection of ideas and the language chosen, especially in the final paragraph, prevent this response from rising above the 4 level.



5. Dan Sumber Lainnya

Ucapan Terima Kasih:

Kepada Kedua Orang Tuaku dan adiku Fahmi Ramadhan yang Selalu menyemangati dan "Rewel/banyak nanya ^_^" he.,.he.,kakak selalu semangat dik
Guru-guruku terkasih dan sahabat-sahabatku semua terima kasih sekali lagi atas ilmu dan motivasi yang terus diberikan tiada henti.

Disusun ulang Oleh:

Arip Nurahman

Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA. Unversitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge. USA.

Semoga Bermanfaat, Terima Kasih dan Tetap Semangat

Minggu, 12 April 2009

Televisi Internet Kota Banjar: Banjar Internet Television

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Memanfaatkan Situs YouTube Edu.

Mari Kita Belajar Bersama-sama untuk Masa Depan yang Lebih Baik


Official MIT OpenCourseWare 1800 Event Video

Banjar Internet Television

Dilatarbelakangi oleh harapan yang tulus, para pelajar Kota Banjar berjuang untuk memberikan yang terbaik untuk Kota tercintanya, maka didirikanlah Televisi Internet Kota Banjar, Semoga bermanfaat. Mari berjuang bersama-sama untuk masa depan yang lebih baik, karena Pendidikan untuk Peradaban.

Ivy League adalah sebuah asosiasi yang terdiri dari 8 Universitas Amerika Serikat. Istilah "Ivy League" mempunyai konotasi kesempurnaan akademis dan elitisme akademis. Anggotanya juga sering disebut Ancient Eight (Delapan Sekolah Lama).

Seluruh anggotanya mempunyai ciri-ciri yang umum: mereka adalah universitas-universitas yang paling prestisius di AS dan hampir selalu berada di peringkat teratas dalam daftar universitas top AS; mereka juga adalah bagian dari universitas-universitas dengan pendapatan keuangan terbesar di dunia.

Selain itu, jumlah mahasiswa prasarjananya juga lumayan kecil di kedelapan universitas tersebut, antara 4.100 untuk Darmouth dan 13.700 untuk Cornell. Mereka semuanya berlokasi di sebelah timur laut AS dan kesemuanya didirikan pada zaman kolonial AS kecuali Cornell.

Anggota Ivy League semua merupakan universitas swasta, kecuali Cornell yang adalah setengah swasta.

Members homepages:

Aliansi Internasional Universitas Berbasis Riset

The International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) was launched in January 2006 as a leading co-operative network of 10 leading, international research-intensive universities. At the launch the presidents elected Australian National University Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Chubb as chairman for 2006-2009.

Rektor Universitas Harvard Wanita Pertama

Catherine Drew Gilpin Faust (born September 18, 1947) is an American historian, college administrator, and the president of Harvard University. Faust is the first woman to serve as Harvard president and the university's 28th president overall. Faust is the fifth woman to serve as president of an Ivy League university. The former dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Faust is also Harvard's first president since 1672 without an undergraduate or graduate degree from Harvard.

1. Harvard Business School

Harvard Business School
Harvard Business School (bahasa Indonesia: Sekolah Bisnis Harvard) yang beralamatkan di Soldiers Field Road, Boston, Massachusetts, Amerika Serikat adalah sekolah sarjana Universitas Harvard dan merupakan salah satu sekolah manajemen terbaik di dunia.

Sekolah ini didirikan pada 1908 dengan kelas awal sejumlah 59 murid. Lokasi awalnya berada di Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Rektor MIT Wanita Pertama

Prof. Susan Hockfield, Ph.D. 16th President of MIT

Susan Hockfield (born. Chicago, 1951) is the sixteenth and current president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hockfield's appointment was publicly announced on August 26, 2004, and she formally took office December 6, 2004, succeeding Charles M. Vest. Hockfield's official inauguration celebrations took place during the week of May 2, 2005. Her title is "President and Professor of Neuroscience," and she is the first woman and the first life scientist to hold the title of president of MIT. Education, Hockfield received her bachelor's degree in biology from the University of Rochester in 1973 and her Ph.D in Anatomy and Neuroscience from the Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1979. Her doctoral dissertation was on the subject of pathways in the nervous system through which pain is perceived and processed. Her advisor during her doctoral work was Steven Gobel.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Institut Teknologi Massachusetts (Massachusetts Institute of Technology atau MIT), adalah sebuah institusi riset dan universitas yang terletak di kota Cambridge, Massachusetts tepat di seberang Sungai Charles dari distrik Back Bay di Boston, Amerika Serikat.

MIT merupakan pemimpin dalam sains dan teknologi, dan juga banyak bidang lainnya, termasuk manajemen, ekonomi, linguistik, ilmu politik, dan filosofi. Departemen dan sekolah yang paling terkenal adalah Lincoln Laboratory, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Media Lab, Whitehead Institute dan Sloan School of Management. 59 dari anggota sekarang atau dahulu dari komunitas MIT telah memenangkan Penghargaan Nobel.

3. Harvard Kennedy School

4. University of California

Universitas California (UC) adalah sebuah sistem universitas negeri dalam Negara Bagian California, Amerika Serikat. Universitas ini terdiri dari lebih dari 191.000 murid dan lebih dari 1.340.000 alumni yang masih hidup. Kampus pertama didirikan pada 1868 di kota Oakland, California (daerah ini kini bernama Berkeley), sedangkan kampus ke-10 dan terbaru sudah dibuka pada musim gugur 2005 di kota Merced, California.

Secara kolektif dan individual, Universitas California membanggakan dosennya yang terkenal dalam jumlah besar di berbagai bidang. Universitas ini dianggap sebagai sebuah model untuk institusi pemerintah di seluruh Amerika Serikat, meskipun pada tahun keuangan 2002-03, hanya 38% dari total dananya datang dari Negara Bagian. Seluruh kampus menerima mahasiswa baik "undergraduate" maupun "graduate" dengan pengecualian kampus San Fransisco, yang hanya menerima mahasiswa "graduate" dalam ilmu kedokteran dan kesehatan.

5. Stanford University

Stanford University TV

Leland Stanford Junior University, yang lazim dikenal sebagai Universitas Stanford (atau Stanford saja), adalah sebuah universitas swasta yang terletak kira-kira 60 kilometers di tenggara San Francisco dan kira-kira 30 km di timur laut San Jose di wilayah Kabupaten Santa Clara yang belum diresmikan sebagai kota. Stanford terletak di dekat kota Palo Alto California AS tepat di jantung Lembah Silikon baik secara geografis maupun historis.

Universitas Stanford terletak di kampus universitas kedua terbesar di dunia, dan terdiri atas Sekolah Teknik Hukum Kedokteran Pendidikan Bisnis Ilmu-ilmu Bumi dan Humaniora serta Sains. Universitas ini mempunyai sejumlah program dan sebuah rumah sakit pendidikan selain berbagai kegiatan menjangkau ke masyarakat dan inisiatif relawan.

6. University of California at Los Angles

7. University of California at Berkley

8. Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Home of NIIT

NIIT adalah institusi pendidikan Teknologi Informasi internasional dengan jaringan mencapai 44 negara di seluruh dunia. NIIT didirikan tahun 1982 di New Delhi, India oleh dua orang pengusaha, India Rajendra S. Pawar dan Vijay K. Thadani.

Di Indoensia pertama kali NIIT bekerjasama dengan [YPTI I-Tech] (Yayasan Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi ITech, yang berlokasi di Jl. Asem Dua No. 22 Cipete Jakarta Selatan.

Center pertama ini lebih dikenal sebagai NIIT I-Tech Center atau sering juga dikenal sebagai NIIT Cipete Center. Saat ini NIIT ITech Center telah berkembang menjadi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Informasi NIIT - ITech (lebih dikenal sebagai [STTI I-Tech]), dan menjadi satu-satunya Aliance University NIIT di Indonesia yang memungkinkan lulusan program NIIT untuk melengkapkan gelar S1 (Sarjana Komputer) melalui konversi kredit. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena STTI I-Tech menggabungkan kurikulum profesional NIIT dengan kurikulum program studi komputer (S1 Informatika dan S1 Sistem Informasi)

Saat ini di Indonesia NIIT memiliki kerjasama dengan Universitas Indonesia,Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Yayasan Telkom (NIIT Telkom Center Bandung), Politeknik Bandung, ITS Surabaya, USU Medan, Unibraw Malang dan beberapa kota lainnya.

Delapan Besar Universitas di China

1.清华大学 2.北京大学 3.浙江大学 4.中国科学技术大学

南京大学 6.复旦大学 7.上海交通大学 8.北京师范大学

Head International Exchange & Cooperation Office Beijing Language &Culture Institute (BLCI), Samuel Wiyono, di Jakarta, Ahad, mengatakan, selain itu biaya pendidikan di negara tersebut baik untuk kuliah atau sekolah juga lebih rendah dari AS maupun Eropa.

“Kuliah atau bersekolah di China ternyata tidak mahal, selain itu kualitas pendidikan yang didapat, tidak kalah dengan perguruan tinggi yang ada di Amerika Serikat maupun Inggris,” katanya disela pengarahan kepada 150 siswa yang akan melanjutkan pendidikan di 11 universitas di China.

Menurut dia, biaya kuliah di negara Tirai Bambu tersebut ada yang hanya Rp15 juta per tahun selain itu mahasiswa berkesempatan mendapatkan bea siswa, berupa pemondokan secara cuma-cuma. BLCI, tambahnya, membantu siswa yang akan berangkat dan melanjutkan pendidikannya ke Negeri Tirai Bambu.

The Next 30 Years, Banjar International Cyber School

"Tataplah dengan Berani Langit Cosmos dan Pijaklah dengan Kuat Bumi Kita"

Arip Nurahman

Guru dan Dosen Profesional

Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, USA.